Friday, 28 November 2008

6 weeks

Wahoo 6 weeks today!!

I am so chuffed im 6 weeks!

I recieved my scan date for 12th January 2009 at 8.45am!

I am really looking forward to it and really nervous at the same time, but im sure everything is ok.
The sickness is getting worse, im feeling more sick in the day (still havn't been!) and my boobs kill!
It doesn't help that Oli always wants to squash them and climb all over me!
I feel so tierd most ofthe day and would love a nap, but missy won't allow that!
Paul keeps saying that im moody, well er come on, I have 1000's of hormones pumping through my body trying to make a baby, it's hardley going to be plain sailing is it!

So at my half way to twelve weeks! I am hoping these go by quickly, but with Christmas and Olis birthday on the way, im sure it will.


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