Sunday, 8 February 2009

16 weeks 1 day

I haven't updated in ages! Here is our cutie a couple of weeks ago at 14w 5days!
I had a scan due to small amount of bleeding again, but everything was fine, I am due for my 20 week scan on the 16th March, but I will be 21 weeks!
I have been feeling baby move about though its been very little/tiny movements, im sure these will increase and get stronger over the next few weeks.
I am really excited about meeting our baby, just hope this pregnancy doesn't go too fast as I have so much to do yet!
Tasha x

Monday, 12 January 2009

12 weeks 2 days


They didn't even scan me due to having one at 9 weeks which they said would be accurate enough at that stage.

So im set for the 25th July as my due date, had bloods done and I have my next scanon March the 15th 2009.

Which seems a life time away, but im sure it will fly by!

Well I hardley have any symptoms anymore, and feel much better.

Though still feel shatterd all the time but im sure thats due to our mini tornado!

Tasha x

Sunday, 4 January 2009

11 weeks

Whoop whoop!

So happy!

Made it to 11 weeks, heart going strong and in less than 8 days I get to see bubba again!

Though I think the sickness has returned :(

I feel so crap, haven't had much of an appetite either, just hopeing it goes away soon!

Oli has been coming on so well with her words and sentences, feeling a very proud mummy!

Paul asked her if she wanted a brother or sister, but didn't seem to concerned either way!

Tasha x